No worries, this blog has not been foreclosed. It's just the current situation doesn't lend itself to a ton of material. If I was a stand up comedian (or insert sexual innuendo here) I'd be getting the hook after about two minutes. I'm still happy I started this though, because I like knowing it's here waiting if the mood strikes me, like any number of various cozy beverages.
I've returned tonight, like Andy Dick to celebrity rehab, to vent quickly and pledge my support for Stephen Colbert as President of the United States of South Carolina. More specifically, I'd like to scream at the mainstream media for not being able to keep up. Over the past couple of days, I've heard several reporters weigh in on themselves essentially. NBC's Chuck Todd & others have recently begun to chastize their collegues for their handling of the story. The argument that Todd and others make is that some media members are making a mockery of the system by not pinning Colbert down on his intentions. I've even heard him compared to Donald Trump. In short, the argument is that the journalists should either treat him as a legitimate candidate or not invite him on serious news programs because they risk becoming water carriers for him, and feeding it rather than reporting on it.
The saddest part is, these folks are so atrophied in their way of thinking they actually think they're taking the journalistic high road. In truth, they are just so completely enveloped in the cement of the system, they are no longer agile enough to deviate from the expected narrative to discover the real story.
Of course, Colbert is not a truly serious candidate, but that doesn't make you a "respected" journalist for ignoring his all too serious mesage. Calling it a publicity stunt or joke is far too dismissive. It's a poltical experiment. It's a public service. He's pulling the curtain back and revealing the rot and corruption that already exists. Truth is always stranger than fiction. How about if the system is SO fucking (profanity used for affect) broken thanks to Citizens United & candidates only running to sell books and TV shows (you know like Palin, Huckabee, and totally thought I was gonna say Colbert there) you report on that. The dude didn't invent his poll numbers or Super Pac from thin air. Why was he able to fill the vaccumn so quickly and easily? There are layers upon layers to be reported on here if you'll just peel away from the corporate picnic for a moment. Instead of sandwiching the Colbert story in before keyboard cat, scratch a mere inch beneath the surface and discover the crucial issues so vast and obvious that a funny theater kid built a whole damn career from it.
Keeping it short. No random junk tonight. I'm about to turn back into a pumpkin, and keeping a few bullets in the chamber might get me to visit more often anyway. That's what she said.
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