I'm writing this so that if I disappear without a trace at some point in the near future, you'll have some idea where to begin the search. It appears I am being heavily recruited by Jehovah's Witnesses lately. The problem is, I fear they have discovered that I am largely a captive audience. I was out walking about a month ago when a car pulled over as if to ask for directions. Instead, a tiny older gentleman in a suit hopped out, scurried across the road, shook my hand, introduced himself, and handed me some literature, which I then carried for three miles being environmentally concious. No harm, I've got a whole draw of New Testaments I picked up strolling the UMaine campus back in the day. The beginning of this week there was a knock on the door as I was coming out of the shower. I assumed it was the UPS guy or some reasonable fascimile, expect the guy was still knocking when I made it to the door a couple of minutes later. Seemed rather persistent for an Amazon order. Turns out it was my old friend from the side of the road, and he even remembered my name. He came bearing gifts of a bible study guide and inquired if he might return in a couple of weeks to "sit down with me." I was rather taken aback at this point, and stammered out an "ummmm....we'll see" or something equally non confrontational. Here's the thing, I'm afraid they might have zeroed in on me as the perfect mark. The Witnesses around here are normally quite passive, so I'm a bit concerned that they stayed at the door until I answered, and then dude even tried to set up a book club meeting. That's never happened before. It makes me think I've been scouted. I think they know I'm home most of the time, and that I don't run very fast. Couple all that with my aversion to confrontation and urge to avoid uncomfortable situations, and I'm already sweating about when these guys are going to show up again. Here's hoping I don't end up with a shaved head and purple sneakers.
Spotify.com. Check it out, and thank me later. It's Euro napster, except free and legal, and not run by Justin Timberlake. Do it now. It's like Google+, only useful...Torchwood: Miracle Day....great stuff. American Ninja Warrior starting Sunday night....yes please.
What is the point of a body double anyway? It just rewards hot ladies for not taking their clothes off...just sayin. Honestly though, they serve no purpose anymore. I feel like there are two different scenarios here, neither of which make much sense:
1. If it's just gratutitous and unecessary, take it out. Everybody edits their flip cam footage these days. Nobody's fooled anymore, in which case there's no point in marketing A-list skin. It's like pumping up a broadway show for opening night, and then going with the understudy. Just don't bother, and let the film stand on its own merits.
2. If it's a top notch film, where it's integral to the plot or character, suck it up ladies. It's sort of on the Mount Rushmore of Oscar cliches now: period piece, special needs, ugly it up.....and superstar sexy time. There are occasions where it's part of the craft, in which case those willing to take that script just might win statues of various shapes and sizes. Basically, if you demand a double in this situation, you're probably a bad actress with an inflated opinion of yourself, and also kind of a bitch.
Won't you all please join me in putting an end to stunt butts??
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